MelvinDoo11 gets bowfa at 482 kc!
MelvinDoo11 donated an unstable amount of his life grinding to get the Bow of Faerdhinen and finally got it today at 482kc. The whole clan exploded with excitement after the drop, but lets be honest, reality is we are all jealous. In the midst of the excitement Melvin’s only words were “I’m shaking bro”. Maybe if his life didn’t only exist inside osrs, he would have more social skills.
In excitement, No Hands yelled in VC almost bursting Mermaid and my eardrums, and then whined like a little bitch for the next two hours. Especially after Mermaid got whip drop right after he spent 411 kc dry at Abyssal Demons boosting with his own hand made Wild Pie’s. We should’ve recorded it and used it against him as blackmail. It’s nice to be able to buy Wild Pie’s in the Grand Exchange.
Melvin says it doesn’t feel real, but is unbelievably excited. His next grinds include Zulrah, General Graardor, and Lizardmen Shamans. He immediately went for another KC for a potential back to back, but then rushed to Zulrah to test out his new toy.
Congrats Melvin! We’re all stoked for you man. You’re a great asset to this clan. Now just drop trade me bowfa in the Wildy.
I was there