After midnight drunken PK’ing action.

Mermaid and I decided to go do a little PK’ing after midnight at the chaos altar. After killing a noob boner standing there with 1.96m, I ended up getting a little cocky and added noob pk’ers to my list of targets.
Mermaid found a pk’er and called us to his world, so I hopped worlds with the quickness. The pk’er had made his way through the temple doors and seemed to be getting away, and in a blur of movement I ended up landing a crossbow hit on him. Mermaid kept yelling “That’s me! That’s me!”. In the corner of my eye, I noticed 357mag also fighting someone. Why did mag start attacking Mermaid? Anyway, I needed to focus. Now it’s my turn to fight this pk’er. After that initial bolt hit, I laid down a mediocre dds spec and then back to crossbow. My bolt proc hit a whopping 49 damage! His ass planked. The loot flew out under his body. In VC Mermaid said, “Thanks.”

Lets just say Mermaid didn’t profit from PK’ing today and it may or may not have been my fault.